Yukon Shirt

I love the Yukon shirt. Ubiquitous in the catalogs, lined up in a wonderful array of colors like candies in a bowl. It came in a short-sleeved version, but to me the proper Yukon shirt is the long sleeve variety that will keep you cozy on a crisp fall day. It was introduced in summer 1981 and appeared until the very last 1988 fall catalog when it was discontinued.
From the catalog: ” There is something about this shirt, the places it’s comforted us. The never-dark Yukon night, laughing by the lodge fire. That dazzling Kenyan morning, jogging by the river. That cool Outback sunset, dodging kangaroos in our Landrover on the way back to Alice Springs. It’s an old friend in six pigment-dyed colors and white, and we wouldn’t think of going anywhere without it.”

Below, a Yukon shirt with the Safari and Travel tag. The Yukon shirt remained with Banana Republic after the end of the safari era.

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