Wool Naval Cape

The holiday 1986 French Naval Cape in blue wool was actual French military surplus.
The gray holiday 1987 wool cape was called “Cape of Two Countries”

The 1987 “Cape of Two Countries” was a grey wool replica of a blue wool surplus French Naval Cape sold in 1986. The blue wool cape was appropriately reviewed by vampire novelist Anne Rice. ” When I took it out of the box, I knew it was mine. Any self-respecting vampire would adore it. Throw it on, clasp it at the neck, draw up the hood, and slip out of the house into the chill darkness….”

From the 1987 catalogue: “It was a classic case of demand exceeding supply for Republic citizens who sought but were denied our surplus French Naval Cape last winter. Happily, your impassioned letters–fraught with reports of “twarted purchase lust,” “daggers of uncloaked depression,” and “frustrated fantasies of whirling about town” –touched our sensibilities, and so we have cut a cloak as devilishly dashing as the soigné surplus original. From Sweden came the cloth: an exceedingly dense, military-grade wool woven to withstand Arctic winters. In styling, we hoored the French forebear, with its dramatic hood and draft-resisting armholes. In perpetually neutral gray-green, the Cape of Two Countries is a sweeping response both to winter’s demands and to its own loyalists.”

Photos from eBay Nov. 2020

About The Author

Robyn Adams
Robyn's fascination with Banana Republic began in 1984 when her Alaskan adventurer father began buying the clothing and giving her the catalogs. She loved the clothes and as an artist she was drawn to the illustrations. She went on to study illustration at art college in BR's hometown of San Francisco and worked for years as a background artist for animation. She is now based in Oakland, CA as a graphic designer and illustrator with Secret Fan Base . She's been collecting and archiving at Abandoned Republic since 2011.


  • Binkle on November 15, 2022

    Thanks for this post! About 1997 or so, I ended up finding the one of the blue french military cloaks in my local goodwill for $25 and is obviously came home with me. My 17 year old self wondered if it was french or french canadian, whether it was military or police, whether it was brought to my small PA town by some expatriot who fell in love and came over to live with their partner… all the fanciful things! Now I know that it was most likely purchased as military surplus from Banana Republic and that is how it arrived in Western PA. : ) Ah well, but it is an absolutely fabulous piece of gear and has been on lots of adventures with me and will be keeping the mother of a groom warm at a wedding this week, so it will still have stories to tell. I love that I finally know the original intent for the cape though. Shore Patrol! You have no idea how happy this post has made me.

  • Kathleen Underwood on February 27, 2024

    Hi, I have the vintage banana republic olive cape I would like to sell. Contact me if you are interested. I sell on Poshmark bas girlygirl1965. It has not been listed as of yet

  • Caryn A Brooks on June 9, 2024

    I have one of these I bought in San Francisco at the surplus store back in the 80s! I must’ve been thinking of the French lieutenants woman. I just pulled it out of the closet and found your blog. It sounds like we have some similar background wishing you great joy and contentment in your life. Thanks for posting this. It’s fun.

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