
Women’s Traveling Boots

I always thought these leather and linen Traveling Boots were way cool. The leather cuff, the floppy linen shaft contained by criss-crossed leather straps. So class and perfect with everything. The leather and linen combination made for some great looking bags as well.

Banana Republic Spring 1987 Women's Shoes

Page from Spring 1987. The boots were featured from Spring 1985 to Holiday 1987. 

Debuting in Summer 1985 and running through 1987, the Leather and Linen Traveling Boot had several different versions of catalog copy. This emphasizes quality and old world values. Later copy emphasized ease of use in packing and ease of wear.

From the catalog: “Most boots are just excess baggage on a traveler’s checklist-frivolous space-hoggers that get shipped home at first opportunity. Not so our Traveling Boots: Rugged yet pliable and light weight, they’re versatile companions on city cobblestones and dusty veldt, and tuck inconspicuously into a corner of a carry-on. On the bottom, a hardy combination of pebble-textured leather and military-grade linen-the same fabric we use in our Carry-On Luggage. A classic striding boot with a bent for rambling and the good looks to va bene anywhere on the globe.”

An all-leather version of the boot-minus the straps-was offered.

About The Author

Robyn Adams
Robyn's fascination with Banana Republic began in 1984 when her Alaskan adventurer father began buying the clothing and giving her the catalogs. She loved the clothes and as an artist she was drawn to the illustrations. She went on to study illustration at art college in BR's hometown of San Francisco and worked for years as a background artist for animation. She is now based in Oakland, CA as a graphic designer and illustrator with Secret Fan Base . She's been collecting and archiving at Abandoned Republic since 2011.


  • michelle on June 3, 2011

    Thank you so much for this site! I was such a big fan of the original company and to this day grieve over a safari skirt that I let get away. After Out of Africa came out I was obsessed. I remember how fun it used to be to read the catalog and going to the store was exciting. When I pass it in the mall now, I have to turn my head. (sniff)

    • Robyn on June 3, 2011

      Oh, thanks for the comment, Michelle! I think Out of Africa had a big effect on this safari trend. I read in an article about Patricia Ziegler that some of their clothes were used in that movie. Be fun to go through and get some screen shots. Between that, Raiders of the Lost Arc, and Romancing the Stone…

  • Brianne on January 15, 2014

    I lost my BR travelers boots and am desperately seeking another pair. If anyone locates a pair for sale could you email please? Thank you !

  • Molly on March 4, 2014

    Hello! I have a pair of the BRT&S “Women’s Leather Ranch Boots”, and am getting ready to sell. They look like they’ve been worn MAYBE 4 times, so basically look brand new (slight scuffing on bottom of heel). I know they originally went for $165, but seeing that they’re 35+ yrs old and in fantastic shape, I’m not really sure what I should value them at. Any thoughts or ideas??

    • Robyn on March 9, 2014

      It’s really hard to say. Boots like that come along a lot, I don’t get the sense there is a big demand for them. But all it takes is the right enthusiast with a nostalgic reaction and you could do pretty well. $75? Might sit for awhile on eBay at that price.

  • Nancy on January 14, 2015

    I still own and wear my pair of BR Womens Travelling boots. And they are indeed awesome! I also have the original box and note the price tag was $110. Not bad for Italian made. But what I don’t remember is the year(s) these were sold. What can you tell me please Robyn? Thanks and enjoying this site ever so much!

  • Laura on May 12, 2019

    I still own, wear and adore my BR Women’s traveling shoes but I must admit it’s overtime for a new pair. Is there such thing as a shoemaker anymore?

  • Maria Haverstock on July 24, 2019

    Hi – no shoemaker, but maybe shoemaker’s apprentice? I do have a pair of BRT&S “Women’s Leather Ranch Boots”, size 7, in extremely excellent condition. They may have been worn a couple of times – they look ‘never worn’ to me. They belonged to my sister whose bucket list was all about travel, including safaris. She recently passed and I don’t think there were any items left on her list.
    I was so enchanted by these boots and couldn’t find anything in BR’s current lines – finally took them into a BR store in the city and, by complete happenstance, ran into an older woman who is a senior buyer, worked with BR for almost thirty years – she educated and enlightened me as to their provenance. Sadly, I am going to sell them because I’m a size 7.5. If there is anyone out there who’s interested in them or has ideas re: where to post them, I’d really appreciate the insights. I am not looking to cash out on these, I REALLY want them to land with somebody who’ll cherish them and wear the hell out of them! Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you any and all!

    • Robyn Adams on July 24, 2019

      eBay is the way to go, but also try our Facebook page. Thanks for sharing! I’m sorry for the loss of your sister.

    • Kathy on September 21, 2024

      Desperately searching for a replacement for these! I had a pair for years and finally donated them; bad idea!!
      Looking to find another pair in 7.5, can anyone help? Thank you!!

  • Maria Elpusan on September 20, 2024

    I purchased that linen and leather traveler boots in The original Mill Valley store in 1985 to 1986. They were so beloved and used to travel the world always. From cities to climbing pyramids. Its worn out on the linen. I was an original B. R. Enthusiast. I still have the original kenyan beaded bracelets and necklace made from old tin pots and tire plastics. Im ecstatic finding you all!! Big catalog fan all those years and collected them until I edited and threw them out. I am the original and it has filled my life of adventures and artifacts. Thank you!! For being there!!Love!!!

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