Ventilated T-Shirt

Sold in the Summer 1984 Catalogue, this Ventilated T-Shirt is a very rare find in this condition, it’s one of the earliest pieces in my collection. Ventilated T-Shirt with a different item # were sold in later Summer catalogs, but because of the presence of the Diamond Tag this shirt is very likely the 1984 version.
From the summer 1984 catalogue: “To citizens of many nations, an undershirt might not seem strictly necessary in the tropics. But a proper British soldier would as soon go without his trousers. And so, during the years of empire building, ventilated cotton was pressed into service. This amazing fabric, with hundreds of tiny air chambers woven right into it, keeps the wearer warm in winter, cool in summer. It made very cool t-shirts, meant in those days to be seen only by sahib’s nearest and dearest. We rediscovered it as a perfect outershirt for today’s traveling men and women.”

From the Summer 1985 catalogue, Ventilated Shirt #1605. This would probably have a Stars and Bananas tag instead of a Diamond Tag.

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