True Surplus: Italian Army Field Jacket
A 2012 eBay auction brought us a rare example of a true surplus item as sold in BR stores. This amazing Italian Army Field Jacket complete with authentic label dated 1976 (see below) still has the price tag attached.
Notice the angled pockets on the chest. I can’t help but think that is is the very item that inspired the BR Bush jacket (as mentioned in the catalogue copy). The catalog text for the jacket mentions the leaning tower of Pisa inspiration of the Italian tailor. The angled pockets are narrower than the final Bush jacket’s pockets, but otherwise the design is identical. This was a really rare find!

The stars are probably original. Anyone under military discipline in Italy wears them — Army, Navy, Air Force, Carabinieri, and certain police units.
They are original…and the slanted upper pockets are for magazines….very much like contemporary Canadian jackets…