Traveler’s Raincoat

From the catalogue: “Most “travel raincoats” are sorry affairs that cling uselessly to one’s limbs. Ours weighs just 26 ounces and folds into a compact envelope, yet springs out looking like the dashing, authoritative garment it is. Like the U.S. Marine corps, we chose a nylon fabric that’s sturdy without being heavy, and discourages rain, wrinkles, and mildew. With its matching hat, stuffed into the pouch, the coat becomes another traveler’s aid: a comfortable, totable pillow.”

Pictures below from a Sept. 2020 eBay auction, missing the hat and envelope.

There appears to have been a Blue/Grey version of the Traveler’s Raincoat, not listed in the catalogue as far as I know.

Hi Robyn, I have the # 3097 Khaki travelers raincoat, complete with belt, hat and pouch in mint condition. From the spring 1987 catalog. It was also sold in khaki tan in 1986.