The Motherload! Covers 1979-1980

Unbelievably exciting stuff to post! This weekend I got in touch with an artist credited on a 1986 catalog. Kevin Sarkki, it turns out, was the very first artist hired by Banana Republic back in 1982. I’ll be posting a fascinating interview with Kevin soon, but for now I’m excited beyond belief to share his scans of the very first Banana Republic Catalogs. Until his arrival BR co-founder Patricia Ziegler was the sole illustrator for the company. She had been an illustrator (her maiden name was Gwilliam) at the San Francisco Chronicle where she met her husband, journalist Mel Ziegler.
These first catalogs established the hand drawn look of the product and some of the style that would be the hallmark of the later catalogs, but there are some very unique departures: Covers that are simply graphic animal prints, large animal portraits, and one crazy-groovy cartoonish cat. Check out all of the new catalogs in the Cover Gallery.
Below: Fall/Winter 1980 offers the kind of product still life that we’d come to expect from BR, with hints of adventure and cozy romance. The Gift Catalog (holiday?) shows us the style BR clothes would always be illustrated in. Spring/Winter 1980 features the aforementioned crazy cat. Early on the familiar logo of the stars and bananas is present, but the classic logo text design has not arrived yet.

Fall/Winter 1980 offers the kind of product still life that we’d come to expect from BR, with hints of adventure and cozy romance. The wine, the typewriter, the camera...his and hers Safari Jackets hung on the door. Classic.
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