
The Linen and Calfskin Suspenders were only offered in the Holiday 1986 Catalogue, and the only pants with suspender buttons were the Covert Twill Trousers in the same issue. From the catalogue: “To some, a belt is merely a constricting device; suspenders do the same job while allowing greater comfort and better drape of one’s trousers. Our “braces”, in the classic style, manage to seem simultaneously serious and lighthearted. The twilled linen straps and leather stirrups suspend two pairs of buttons in the front, one pair in the back (offering a vastly more secure grip than metal alligator clips). Unlike the attention-hungry university men who once wore suspenders in their college colors, we’ve made ours in the low-key hues of our ever-neutral republic.”

Photos courtesy Wendy Jaffe who found a set in the original box. BR included a small bag of suspender buttons to attach to trousers.

This set is marked size 1 for persons under 5’11”. There were two sizes available.

Size 2 from my collection.

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