Surplus Swiss Military Gaiters
Wendy Jofee writes: “I purchased these (Leather Traveling boots) from the original owner, who says she wore them only a couple of times. When she bought them, a store employee suggested the “straps” as well, since they were an addition popular with the customers. I figured they must be gaiters of some sort, perhaps military surplus. Upon delivery, I was able to get a good look at the gaiters — they are indeed military surplus, as per the trio of Swedish crowns stamped on the inside. Each gaiter is clearly from a different production run, although it’s impossible for me to determine whether it’s a matter of various manufacturers under contract, or a few years’ difference in production, etc. The triple crown stamp is fairly clear on one gaiter; the second bears only a faint, partial outline of one crown, which may not show in the photo.”

I love what you are doing with this blog. I remember Banana Republic from when they hit the mainstream in the mid-1980’s. I got the photojournalists vest, the outback raincoat, the bush hat, a fedora, and the Kenya Convertibles over the course of three years. I was a little disappointed in that the vest and the pants seemed to have surprisingly thin fabric that wore out quickly., but the raincoat lasted for a good number of years. It came with a can of beeswax that you were supposed to use to maintain the waterproofness of it. I never did get around to using it.
About these gaiters: I am pretty sure that they are meant to cover the top of your shoes so you can stuff your pants into them, thereby preventing dirt and other stuff from getting into the shoes, rather than riding in the middle of a boot. I also think that the strip of leather goes on the bottom, protecting the top of your foot and/or reinforcing that edge.