Ox Horn Bracelets

Sold from Fall 1984 to Holiday 1985. From the 1984 catalogue: “Fine jewelry, costly and delicate, has. built-in anxiety factor. The alternative, costume jewelry, is not viable to anyone with an aversion to plastic. Hence our happily imperfect trio of natural ox horn bangles. Nearly translucent raw material, from India and Australia, just as the ox grew it. For women who can afford not to wear any jewelry at all.”

I had a set of these and loved them! Lost them over the years; only have one left. If anyone has any to sell, I would be interested in buying.
I have three of these bracelets. Are you still looking?
Yes I would love to talk to you about them. How much are you looking for? Please email me. Thank you
Yes I would love to talk to you about them. How much are you looking for? Please email me. Thank you