Kasuri Shirt

From the Summer 1987 catalogue: “From Asia to America, almost every region on earth has a way of coloring yarn in intervals, then weaving the “space-dyed” threads together to create a shimmering, feathered effect. In Jaoan, this craft is called kasuri; in Indonesia, ikat; Guatamala, jaspe, meaning speckled or variegated. We’ve modeled our versions after ancient Japanese designs and had them dyed and woven India, where–in order to achieve a truly handcrafted look–we encouraged the weavers to align the bands of color even less uniformly than usual. The resulting light-weight cotton shirt is a modern variation on an already variegated tradition.”
Kasuri shirt (olive drab) courtesy Gary Pinkerton

“Natural” Kasuri shirt (with matching Somalia Skirt!)

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