It is the Banana Republic Shirt. Literally.

Always one of the most affordable and popular items in the catalog, it was easy to throw one in with any order. The style (as evidenced by eBay listings) is classic “Henley” but they called it “The Banana Republic shirt” at the time. It was simply their Yukon Shirt in off-white with a logo on the left breast.
The Banana Republic shirt dates back pretty far, it was always in the catalog (check the catalog thumbnails at the bottom of this post). Note the tags in the photo examples above. One is obviously a late model with the Travel and Safari logo, while the other retains the manufacturers “Healthknit” shirt. I think this example may be from the earliest catalogs before the Stars and Bananas tag, but there’s no way to know for sure.

I found your blog as I was researching some vintage wool pants. They have the hang tag that says Safari and Travel clothing. I looked through all of your great catalog photos but can’t find the exact pants. I have “made up” a listing. Not sure where to price them at and my description but have enjoyed looking through your blog. Be sure to check out my listing and let me know what you think!
Hi all. I just discovered this site after commenting on my Wall in Facebook at the demise of BR and stores and catalogs like it. I’ve been sort of, out of the picture, on my own safari for years and didn’t know that BR was defunct. A Gap clone, now. Very sad, indeed. The catalogs were works of art and literature, informative, entertaining and a beauty to behold…and hold! What a loss.
Losing BR is like losing an animal to extinction. Irreplaceable. But thanks to your site and others it lives on. Way to go.
Safe travels!
Thank you for sharing.