Equestrienne Shirt

Whenever this shirt shows up online it’s listed as a Men’s shirt, probably on the assumption it’s some sort of cowboy shirt. I was confused for the longest time until I realized it just women’s Equestrienne Shirt. The misconception is probably also attributable to the wide torso on the shirt, which is meant to be gathered by a belt.
From the catalogue: “Our adventures astride–on mule, elephant, camel and other beasts–have convinced us that the best riding shirt is loose-fitting for ease of movement yet tightly woven for protection from flies, dust and sun. It closes high at the throat, cavalry-style, for maximum coverage, but unbuttons for ventilation. It has long tails that stay tucked into trousers and look good under a wide belt, and a pocket to hold a lump of sugar for a recalcitrant mount. It is, in other words, our Equestrienne Shirt–dashing, durable, and winterized in cozy, richly hued corduroy.”

Black Equestrienne Shirt photos from a September 2020 auction.

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