
Banana Republic Catalog #15 Fall 1983 Naturalist's Shirt, Traveller's Wool Pants, Safari Jacket, Safari Pants

A Rare Look: Banana Republic Catalogs 1978-1983

This gallery was made possible by former Banana Republic staff artist Kevin Sarkki who generously scanned his personal archive.  An interview with Kevin is coming soon.

The original Banana Republic catalog was printed as a duo-tone, an inexpensive two-color printing technique that fit the funky style of a surplus clothing company. The early catalogs were produced entirely by Mel and Patricia Ziegler, with Mel the journalist doing the writing and Patricia the newspaper illustrator handling the art. Sarkki was hired in 1982 and was their first staff artist. After the GAP bought BR in 1983 more artists would come on board and in Spring 1984 the catalog would move to full color printing and become the catalog most of us remember.

These early catalogs are quite rare as they did not have wide distribution. I had never seen them until now. They offer a unique look at the origins of Banana Republic as a surplus clothing company.


About The Author

Robyn Adams
Robyn's fascination with Banana Republic began in 1984 when her Alaskan adventurer father began buying the clothing and giving her the catalogs. She loved the clothes and as an artist she was drawn to the illustrations. She went on to study illustration at art college in BR's hometown of San Francisco and worked for years as a background artist for animation. She is now based in Oakland, CA as a graphic designer and illustrator with Secret Fan Base . She's been collecting and archiving at Abandoned Republic since 2011.


  • Jan on December 31, 2011

    Wow! I had completely forgotten how cool going to a BR store was in the 80s. I can’ t really tell the difference between most of the stores anymore. Old Navy probably is most true to their origins. I really miss the whole safari experience that made the original BR so unique. Thanks for all the work putting this together.

    • Robyn on January 3, 2012

      Thanks, Jan!

    • Tondy Seaton on April 8, 2017

      Oh wow yes! I’ve been searching for my cherished catalog after a few moves! Wish I could find it!

  • Carla on February 17, 2012

    I used to get these catalogs in the mail waaaay back in the day and loved them. I’ve tried to describe the illustrations to people who see Banana Republic in a whole different way today, so I’m so glad you’ve posted examples here. Enjoying a fit of nostalgia.

  • Jemma on March 6, 2012

    I used to love the original Banana Republic clothes and they were amazing quality with details and great fabrics. If such clothing were sold anywhere today, I would buy it. I was thinking about the old catalogs the other day and remembered to do a search tonight. How cool that someone is keeping track of them. I have saved J. Crew catalogs but Banana Republic’s were really unique and fun.

  • Lilspeth on August 27, 2012

    I lived in a full off-white durable heavy Cotten sort of mesh button down full skirt from BR purchased in 1978 and worn until it finally died 20 years later. It always looked great and I have never come across another that can even remotely compare to the quality and timeless style of that skirt. I was a student at the time and also recall it was expensive for my tiny purse but I am so glad it was one of those cannot live without moments which probably drove me to mac and cheese for two weeks! I am still looking for something similar. I wish quality and real style would come back!

  • Ish on February 8, 2013

    These catalogs were my window to the world when I was studying journalism at university in the early 80’s. The only thing close to it now is J. Peterman. Thank you so much for this wonderful site!

  • Justin on June 10, 2013

    As a ten year old growing up in milquetoast-rural-upstate NY these catalogs would land in our mailbox and ignite my dreams. I’ve tried to live a life of travel and adventure–and happily have succeeded to a degree. I do wish I still had my Israeli Paratrooper Briefcase…thank you for scanning these and for your creativity Kevin Sarkki.

  • Roger on July 26, 2013

    This store was a turning point for me when I was a kid in high school.. It was the coolest store I ever walked through. When I heard Mel and Patricia had sold to the Gap I couldn’t believe it :/ It hasn’t been the same since!
    Thanks for this website!!

  • Larry on August 25, 2013

    Discovered BR in the mid-80s while attending LSU. No visit to Houston or Dallas was complete without a visit. The entertainment value of BR’s stores were fantastic! I never got around to acquiring a “Botswana Bowling League” shirt; never seemed to have enough money in those days. One would love to see BR make a comeback.
    PS: Those catalogs were too much 🙂

    • Howard Phoenix on March 5, 2024

      I remember how exciting and wonderful the world was thru the eyes of the Banana Republic. I still sport a travel vest ( the back map pocket is well used) and though they have moved on to a better life, I so miss the Gurka shorts…these were great times, thanks for the pages, easier to try and explane what joy those catalogs gave to many.

  • Margaret on November 3, 2013

    I worked in Banana’s advertising department from around June of 1984 to August 1986. I wish I had kept those wonderful catalogs. I also wish I could go back in time and buy more of their amazing merchandise. And hi Kevin!

  • Christopher on March 19, 2014

    I made my first purchase at, Banana Republic, in July of 1984, in Houston, Texas. I purchased a safari jacket and matching
    trouser, along with a safari shirt……I was hooked from then on. Now that BR is no longer the same wonderful entity it once
    was, I was fortunate indeed to purchase seven original pieces of clothing, six, still new with tags from individual sellers, on
    eBay. I am in paradise!

    Oh yes, I have some of the original catalogs, as well.

    • Robyn on March 19, 2014

      Nothing better than a BR piece with the tag still in it! Thanks for sharing!

  • Steve in Arizona on December 12, 2014

    I grew up in Los Angeles in the 1980s and can remember enjoying the catalogs as much as the brick-and-mortar stores!

    Even if I couldn’t afford something, browsing the catalog was not just fun; it was a visual delight, candy for the eyes.

    Urban Outfitters and Old Navy are just wannabees and pale in comparison!

    Thanks much for bringing this website to all the masses who fondly remember Banana Republic!

  • Jane Franks on September 30, 2015

    Wow! How nostalgic. I lived in Southern California in the 1980’s and we shopped at the Banana Republic in South Coast Plaza. I adored their clothes and still have a khaki skirt and shirt we bought there; my husband had a great safari jacket. It was a great place; great decor, and so original! I miss it!!

  • Mark Alzate on July 3, 2019

    I feel like people should pay attention to banana republic because the products and designs are the best I’ve ever worn, they are comfy and nice, I have this jacket for so long it’s 100% polyester and it’s imported that I can’t even find it online or anywhere else this design is suitable to anyone, and I think that it’s going to be a big attraction in the whole entire world, this could lead to big opportunities because I know that this generation is going and everyone has there own style and own products but what I notice about this material I have is so much different to the products that’s being produced by different products, and I think that this jacket and the material that was built and designed is comfortable and easy to clean, water resistant,and on cold days will make you so warm or let’s say even on the hot days it’ll keep yourself protected from the sun. And Mel Ziegler and Patricia Ziegler really inspired me and should they be interested in this design and the material will be as easy as talking about banana republic that will lead to a huge opportunities, not just by the product but the material and the design itsself

  • Windy on December 1, 2020

    I still have many of my old catalogues and even some of the clothing and bags. There has never been another product like the items they offered nor the catalogue.

  • Cecilia J Stephens on July 11, 2021

    My best friend’s older sister intorduced us first to the fashion and then the cool catalogue of the 80’s. Have you thought of creating a coffee table book from all of the old catalogues. I for sure would buy a copy! Thanks for creating the website.

    • Robyn Adams on July 13, 2021

      Thanks for sharing your memories! The artwork belongs to Banana Republic as far as I know, I don’t think I could get permission to do a book, but they should hire me!

  • Phyllis Phifer on January 27, 2023

    Some how ,back in the late 1970’s ,I came across the Banana Republic catalog and fell in love with the clothes. Maybe ,it was from the Whole Earth Catalog that was so popular back then ? My daughter now buys from BR ,but today, I was curious about the styles from back in my day (I’m 70). Should have know that there could be a secret fan base for such a fabulous catalog!

  • Mr S d Santana on April 8, 2023

    given a bit of thought some might say that if the concept of banana republic hadn’t come about an art piece and a short write up their’d be no such thing as
    the j peterman catalogue

  • Sean on July 2, 2023

    I was introduced to the Banana Republic in my late teen years when I was living in a small city in Indiana. One of my best friends’ and I would anxiously await each catalog.

  • Patricia on January 19, 2024

    When Banana Republic became part of The Gap, the Gap store I worked at in Atlanta became a temporary product testing BR store. We had shelves and racks full of pith hats and safari bags, jackets and harache shoes. Everything was khaki. I wish I had the foresight to have kept some of the products. I can still smell the canvas and leather.

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