Sierra Denim Shirt

This is a shirt that ran from the 1983 catalogs to 1986 and really shows its Northern California 1970s roots. It came in Faded Blue and Bleached Blue.
From the 1984 review by author and BR friend Herbert Gold: “Blue denim shirts followed the inventions of quill pens, the skull of Goethe filled with blood, and coffee as spurs to literary activity.
Denim shirt, 100 pure cotton, soft because courteously pre-washed, hardy, intimate, reinforced seams, classically blue. What better gear for searching out the secrets of eternity? How could Shakespeare or Tolstoy have written Alan Ginsberg’s “Howl” without running questing fingers past the heart, moulded to ample pockets filled with spare pens and three-by-five cards, up to the throat, protected from cruel judgements by pensive yet courageous blue denim?
The author of preceding paragraphs has worn the shirt to several poetry readings without untoward incident.”
Faded Blue version from eBay October 2020

Bleached Blue version from Kimberlee Anderson.

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