New Zealand Tramping Shirt

From the Fall 1985 “Notes from the Outback” catalogue: “Despite their damp, chilly climate, New Zealanders are vigorous hikers, horseback riders, skiers, hunters, and fisherman–as comfortable outdoors as in. They’ll even go tramping in a freezing downpour, wearing shorts and this remarkable shirt. It warms like a coat and functions like a heavy sweater–being roomy enough to layer on top of other bulky garments without bringing claustrophobia. Made of 100% virgin wool (congruent with the country, where sheep outnumber people by better than 20 to 1), it breathes freely while simultaneously shutting out cold, wind, and rain; even if it gets soaked, it retains body heat and keeps you warm–especially if you button the neck and turn up the collar. Nothing sheepish about this boldly checked versatile garment from Down Under.”
September 2020 eBay listing

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