Banana Republic Catalog # 28 Summer 1986: Voices from Africa

“Voices From Africa” presents Banana Republic at it’s height, in my opinion. The company is robustly expanding and catching on across the country and the world, and the artwork and product are top notch. This catalog so perfectly sells you on the heart of the BR concept, exotic wanderlust, counterculture idealism mixed with yuppie consumerism, and a heavy dose of colonial fantasy and dreams of a bygone era. Another epic cover from RB Artist Rob Stein sets the stage for the adventure that awaits within. Get your credit card out, the toll-free number is waiting for your call.

1 Comment

  • JD on November 24, 2020

    Love looking at these catalogs. Wish I had kept some of mine. I actually ordered an woe that rhino BR tee featured in this issue. The eighties were a special time for me and BR was a memorable part of it.

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